Friday, February 27, 2009

i love to read


what's beside my bedside right now (click on the links for more info):

the first book, of course, is the
Bible. it's got everything: it's the ultimate love story (for God so loved the world), it's got mystery (His ways/thoughts are not ours), suspense (what will the rapture really be like?), family drama (check out joseph...), even war. not to mention life giving/sustaining substinence. it truly is my life blood right now.

your money or your life: current book club selection. i give it a b-. it's geared (from a secular point of view) more towards people who actually have a paying job and making detailed lists rather than a stay at home mom of 7 trying to be a good steward of the fruits of her husband's hard labor. but it does make me want to work to live rather than live to work and it will eventually be good fodder for discussion with said husband once we have our own place and i don't have to share conversation time with his parents and 7 children all clamoring for his attention what little time he's actually home.

a blessing of toads: forget about the title. this book is a compilation of sharon lovejoy's columns for country home gardener magazine (a favorite no longer in print). short, fun, and they always make me smile.

prayers of my heart: my prayer journal. i usually do my own, or print a form off the internet but this has become my favorite. simply laid out, and easier to keep track of (and separate from) my regular homekeeping notebook.

what's age got to do with it?: i haven't started this one yet, but is lent to me and highly recommended by my friend deb. i'm hoping it will be encouraging and not discouraging. after all, my wii fit age is 33!

goops: reading bits of this with the little boys at night. a manners manual (with cartoon illustrations) originally written in 1900, this is not only enjoyable, but nice that you can sweetly reprimand your kids in public in only a way they (or someone who's read the book) would understand. "looks like the goops have been here!" you can say when they've left a mess. "you're not turning into a goop are you?" when they start to have a narcissitic meltdown.

esther: i've been waiting oh so patiently to do this study since my dear friend lea

wouldn't do it before i left tally.... you can download the videos (for a small fee) off the internet, so i'm going to have the girls watch with me. can't link to because their site is down.

the home book: wonderful compilation if you're trying to explore the myriad possibilities of decorating a new home. if you ever get a new home.

what's beside your bedside?


Anonymous said...

great, you link to my blog on the day i do a post which includes an off color word (but you will appreciate its shakespearean overtones...)

Heidi said...

I got your message on my blog about book choices for advanced readers. I don't have any good answers... I've had enough books at fairly the right maturity level to feed Levi, but I'll run out soon enough. There are a few books I'd rather he read later (like I Am David and The Giver). I might have to hide those so he doesn't grab them and get started. I guess I'll be more worried about mature content that I don't want him to encounter yet than worried about things going over his head. He can always revist those books again at a later age. Isn't it interesting to re-read a book... I've found even as an adult that I get different things out of a good book each time.

Thanks, also, for asking about my health. I am doing sooooo much better. I know the chiropractor worked some miracles, but being on anti-depressants/anxiety meds have made the biggest difference. I had no idea how that could affect a person physically, even with fewer emotional symptoms. It took a little while to get my energy and stamina back, but we had an awesome holiday season and this year is going really well. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

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