Friday, November 24, 2006

Sweet Baby

We had fun at the park today. It was nap time, and I enjoyed a rare moment of cuddling. Couldn't you just sop him up with a biscuit?

Now and then

A special Flashback Friday sequence. Do you think they look much different? They don't act much different at all. Notice in the "then" picture, N. is the only one wearing shoes. It wasn't any different today. The girls are all wearing no shoes, but N. decided (yes, at 13 years old) that he didn't want to have his shoes off for the pic. What's up with that?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Original Art

Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint. It's a famous monument given to America by France. Yep-the Statue of Liberty as seen from inside a computer. We finally got rid of our first computer in our city's "cash for trash" program (they gave us $5 off our ridiculous electric bill). However, Dad Ru, being the conservative that he is, didn't want the memory going down with it (you never know who will go dumpster diving in the city dump. ew.) So, he took the memory part out, and told the kids to have at it. They had a great time. I think in all, it was smashed into about a bijillion pieces, and what was left, O. made into this masterpiece using hot glue. Who told her she could get old enough to use a hot glue gun by herself? Pretty inspirational anyway. Maybe she and her like-aged cousins could open an art school. Doesn't that sound like Lea and Sar would enjoy?

Ru cousins

Here's a picture of Stefan, Gloria's youngest. Yes, he's in Iraq (how did he get that old that fast?) If you think of it, pray for him. He's not walking with the Lord at this time, but knows Who is in charge. I wonder if his sleeping roomate knew this picture was being taken? They are not allowed to take pic's outside. At least not where he is at this time.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Flashback Friday

Okay, so the color gives it away--wish there was a chance of this happening here this winter.

Our apologies for being AWOL the past week - time is flying by too fast.

The story behind this picture, if you don't remember, is the Dad was having so much fun pulling her down the driveway in this plastic laundry basket until she started to cry. I kept saying, "I think there's something wrong, she sounds hurt." But the Dad insisted she was fine. When he finally tired and brought her in, we noticed that there was a hole in the bottom of the basket, and her poor little tusshie was cold and wet. She loves that story now. Wait until she's engaged.....oh, the stories we'll have to tell...........but what a great smile, eh?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

World Geography

This week's assignment for the two taking world geography through Florida Virtual School was to pick a European country, and make a graph of its particulars, and write an imaginary 5 day itinerary. Once they had submitted that, they had to pick a food indigenous to their country, find a recipe, shop for the ingredients, and cook the food for their family. This class has been tough for all of us. Full of "busy work" and assignments that don't match whats being studied, and miscommunication between the teachers and what's expected of their students. Throw in some inappropriate emails from unknown classmates, and we're wondering if this is a path worth taking, even if it is free. However, since H. chose Italy, she made stromboli for lunch, and since N. chose France, we had crepes with strawberry and whipped cream for dessert. At least something has come out of it!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Flashback Friday-cousins!

It's not flashing back too far to see this pictures. It's just been a long day, and I don't want to take the time to try to download other pictures, and we can't figure out how to post the pictures Jerry sent us (I haven't asked K. the computer guru yet, though).

Still hot and steamy in Florida-----

Monday, October 02, 2006


These pictures of H. were taken on the way to Atlanta (note the ever-present construction on 75) and the one of her and NC cousin #2 was taken at Underground Atlanta.

These two glamor girls are just too hip to beat, don't you think?

The jury is still out on whether M. was enjoying the dentist, or despising it. The only thing that got him to open his mouth was when big sister, K. told him if he didn't open up, N. was going to beat him to be finished. Now you know he can't let a bigger sibling beat him!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Flashback Friday

Almost forgot to post a flashback picture--but reminiscing is so much fun. If you have a picture of a member of your family that you'd like us to post, email it to us and we'll put it up on the next Friday. Also, pray for Aunt Gail today, she's in our thoughts.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Seen in our backyard

The past 3 days this bird has been hanging out. First, we found him here on the fence post while we were playing on the back porch (with the screen doors open). Even Riley was out there, and he never noticed. Then, he was in a tree, watching the little birds at our birdfeeder. Today he was on a branch above the trampoline watching as the kids and their friends played. His wing span is LARGE and he has an eeriness about him. Like he's trying to decide whether these children are light enough for him to carry away, or it would be worth his while to swoop down and cause a fuss. We'll keep our distance, but we're sure glad we have the binoculars (click on the picture to enlarge). Can anyone guess for sure what type of bird it is?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Pretty girl

Apparently, my attempt at a blog is highlighting my supposed favoritism in parenting. Those children whose picture has not yet been posted have taken note. (as an aside: when you have 7 children, do you have 1 middle child, or 5?) from a middle child perspective, I'll take 5. You get the best of all worlds.


Both boys are 1-1 for the season. This past weekend was the rough one. These pic's were taken during the first game, which was the win. We are looking forward to football this weekend, when we're supposed to have a "cool spell" meaning, highs in the low 80's and low's in the mid 60's. Brrr.... I'm getting chilly just thinking about it (note backsliding into sarcasm).

Thursday, September 21, 2006

flashback friday

Flashback Friday
We've decided that every Friday we'll try to post an old photo of someone in the Ru fam and you try to guess who it is and what year it was. Any guesses on this one? What an ADORABLE little girl.....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


A friend has a home in Dayton, TN and travels back and forth quite often. This time of year, she brings back apples for whomever wants them. We got a box, and look what we found! A baby boy who loves apples. He loved the box even more. So far, we've made 8 quarts of applesauce and an apple pie (actually N. made the sauce, K. made the pie).

Thanks for my birthday presents, Grandma and Grandpa. I loved it all! (and in true Rufam dog tradition, he put the pieces on the floor, and *then* ate them). For some reason, the dogs, including the current one, take a huge mouth full out of the bowl, put it all on the floor and eat it from there bit by bit.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


P. got a few presents, but none of them were wrapped. This is a favorite of almost everyone--a lighthouse shape sorter/stacker. It was $3.99. How could we pass up a lighthouse toy made of solid wood for that price?

The highlight of our trip home was stopping at IKEA. Where else can you get a kid's meal of Swedish meatballs, french fries and drink for $1.99? We also found the solution to our seating dilemma--this bench. It's made of solid birch, and was easily put together by K. with the twist of 6 screws. It can seat 3 adults comfortably, and so far 4 kids. It's amazing how it has a calming affect because it makes our cramped eating quarters feel less crowded.

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Although his birthday was actually 2 days ago, he doesn't mind the delay in celebrating. He couldn't WAIT to get his hands on that cake. He was 21lbs. and 30" tall at his well child check, and we delayed getting his regularly scheduled shots because of the possibility of chicken pox showing up in the next week (thanks to playing with friends who are sharing it in their family).

Happy Birthday, P. Here's to many, many more years~ You are loved.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Some of the kids enjoying the fountain at Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta. We were thrilled to stay in a hotel that was only 2 blocks from the park, so we took advantage of it, and walked there both mornings. The weather was beautiful!

The kids and cousins sitting with a very cool polar bear inside the World of Coke. Basically, it's a museum that is an overpriced advertisement that you pay for yourself for a legally addictive stimulant, in over 40 different languages (and flavors). We say America rocks, and Italy, something is wrong with your taste buds!

This picture was just too pathetic not to include. The bigs were riding the Venom ride behind us, and M. was riding the airplanes with his Dad. P. was not big enough to do either, but had had enough of his stroller. After all, those are for babies, and today was his 364th day of life. He even stuck his foot in between the rails at one point, while simultaneously looking back at Mom to see if she was looking. I sense an adventurous 365 days (at least!) ahead.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dinner tonight was fettucine alfredo with chicken and broccoli. Do you think P. enjoyed it? Tomorrow we leave for Atlanta to meet NC cousins. We'll try to take some good pic's while we're there, including some of O. with her pierced ears. I don't think you've seen them yet.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The dog. This is really just a test before we start posting the good stuff.

Happy Birthday to us!

This is our first entry in our new blog, whose mission is to post pictures and involve grandparents into our life, though a thousand (more?) miles may separate us.
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