Friday, November 24, 2006

Sweet Baby

We had fun at the park today. It was nap time, and I enjoyed a rare moment of cuddling. Couldn't you just sop him up with a biscuit?

Now and then

A special Flashback Friday sequence. Do you think they look much different? They don't act much different at all. Notice in the "then" picture, N. is the only one wearing shoes. It wasn't any different today. The girls are all wearing no shoes, but N. decided (yes, at 13 years old) that he didn't want to have his shoes off for the pic. What's up with that?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Original Art

Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint. It's a famous monument given to America by France. Yep-the Statue of Liberty as seen from inside a computer. We finally got rid of our first computer in our city's "cash for trash" program (they gave us $5 off our ridiculous electric bill). However, Dad Ru, being the conservative that he is, didn't want the memory going down with it (you never know who will go dumpster diving in the city dump. ew.) So, he took the memory part out, and told the kids to have at it. They had a great time. I think in all, it was smashed into about a bijillion pieces, and what was left, O. made into this masterpiece using hot glue. Who told her she could get old enough to use a hot glue gun by herself? Pretty inspirational anyway. Maybe she and her like-aged cousins could open an art school. Doesn't that sound like Lea and Sar would enjoy?

Ru cousins

Here's a picture of Stefan, Gloria's youngest. Yes, he's in Iraq (how did he get that old that fast?) If you think of it, pray for him. He's not walking with the Lord at this time, but knows Who is in charge. I wonder if his sleeping roomate knew this picture was being taken? They are not allowed to take pic's outside. At least not where he is at this time.
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