*edited 9:37 pm* nick tested negative for strep. the doctor thinks it's swine flu, though they didn't do the bloodwork (the test is not accurate, and her daughter had it with the exact same symptoms). his fever is down some tonight and he had enough energy to take a shower! romeo has a fever too (apparently from inflammation in his pelvis), got a shot for pain and is on two different pain killers for an apparent bruised tail bone. that will teach him to run away late on a sunday night in the dark, even if it was a full moon.6:30 wake up/work out/shower and dress
7:40 greet makenna at the door, wake up big girls
8:30 take nick's temp. he can't talk and he looks terrible (it's 103* again. in spite of fever reducing medicine)
9-12 mops (mothers of preschoolers). thankfully i'm not speaking this morning. karis, makenna and olivia go with me. karis drives (still not quite used to that....)
(cancelled nick's oral surgeon check up appt. so i can)
1:15 take nick to doctor for his continuing 103* fever, now accompanied by a throat so sore he cannot speak or get out of bed
4:00 take romeo to the vet since he hasn't walked normally since sunday night (something appears to be wrong between his back legs. he keeps his tail tucked in and won't let me touch it or look at it.) he can hardly do the stairs and doesn't get up from his spot in the sun.
juliet is worried sick.
(picture from last year, raking florida neighbor mr. jim's leaves)
5:30 feed everyone something for dinner. it was supposed to be meatloaf, but i used that ground beef for the world series taco party we had saturday night (when the yankees won!) when we had more people than i originally planned. wishing now i had quickly gone to the store to replace that meatloaf meat....
6:00-9 take haley to gymnastics, pick up her two friends cody and karis from church to take with us. drop them off.
_____ guess what time i'll get to bed tonight? and how many kids will have a heinz list (catch-up school work) from the kind of day their teacher had?